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 Help with Flamethrower particles. 
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Joined: Tue Feb 23, 2010 12:36 am
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Post Help with Flamethrower particles.
It might be a newbie question or something rather, but I simply can't get rid of the default flame particles on the flamer.
I'm trying to make the flames come out blue, with a glow effect or somesuch, but I've scanned all through the .ini of the weapon and nothing is there about fire, flames, etc. Is there any way to get rid of the flame effect, or change its color and/or sprite? I'm talking about the Coalition Light Flamethrower, in the default Coalition.rte.

Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:17 am
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Joined: Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:06 am
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Post Re: Help with Flamethrower particles.
The Coalition flamer accomplishes its flame effect by first defining two particles, at the top of flamer.ini. These particles are then used in the "Flame Launcher" which is an AEmitter that uses the aforementioned propietary flamer particles, as well as some MOSParticles which are defined in Coalition.rte's Effects folder. You'll notice there are AddEmissions like Tiny Smoke Ball Flamer 1 and such. These AddEmissions are what composes the flame stream.

As I understand it, the flamer works by spewing a bunch of tiny particles more massive than bullets at low velocities to deal damage, kind of like a slow moving shotgun. The effects and such just make it look like fire.

Anyway, try deleting all but one of those Emissions to get a feel for what particle looks like what. You'll notice if you leave in just one of the smoke particles and shoot an actor with it it will deal damage.

Hope this helped!

Fri Sep 30, 2011 12:03 am
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