Re: why isn't this working?
The zeros mean it'll gib the instant it's hit by anything, but I'm fairly certain it does need to be hit by something in order to gib.
To attach a jostling emitter, do like so.
AddEmitter = AEmitter
CopyOf = MGL Magazine Gibber
But it might be simpler to forget the emitter and gib limits, and instead attach a little Lua script.
function Update(self)
Or you could just make the sound spawner an emitter in the first place, which emits nothing and makes your sound from a burst in the emission of nothing, like this.
AddAmmo = AEmitter
PresetName = Sound Emitter
Mass = 0
HitsMOs = 0
GetsHitByMOs = 0
SpriteFile = ContentFile
FilePath = Base.rte/Null.bmp
LifeTime = 1
FrameCount = 1
SpriteOffset = Vector
X = -3
Y = -2
AtomGroup = AtomGroup
AutoGenerate = 1
Material = Material
CopyOf = Military Stuff
Resolution = 2
Depth = 0
DeepGroup = AtomGroup
AutoGenerate = 1
Material = Material
CopyOf = Military Stuff
Resolution = 4
Depth = 1
DeepCheck = 0
EmissionEnabled = 1
EmissionsIgnoreThis = 1
BurstTriggered = 1
BurstSound = Sound
AddSample = ContentFile
FilePath = Shadow Echelon.rte/Effects/Sounds/Gore/KF_Gibs_Small1.wav