ACRAB Actor Walkpath, Help please!
Sorry in advance for the wall of text
(I am not yet admitting defeat and hope to provide the following at some point if I can)
but if someone will/can help me with a working template(walkpaths, footgroups and adjustments for joint strength) for a set of large i.e. Coalition Droid x4 sized functional crab legs I would be supremely grateful.
(If a decent Acrab walkpath modding walkthrough exists can you link here or sticky it (yes I have read numgun's excelent walkpath tutorial but Acrab seems infinitely more awkward) please.)
Bit of background I have had a pretty decent look and found Zalo's Wildlife Giant crab, I used this as a starting point and tried to fuse it with Azukki's excelent acrab template to change it into a controllable actor but I ran into a recurring memory error which put an end to my debugging efforts.
I am a fan of capnbubs' Crobotech Tank
and especially like the visible feet but rather than going down that path I would ideally like something with a bit better ability to traverse gaps in the terrain such as bunker openings.
Bring on the flames