Re: Property name wasn't followed by a value
You have a number field with -13` in it, try getting rid of the '
EDIT: Specifically, this section:
AddEffect = ACRocket
PresetName = Cruiser
Description = Big transport
AddToGroup = Craft
Mass = 600
Position = Vector
X = 520
Y = 20
Velocity = Vector
X = 0
Y = -5
HitsMOs = 1
GetsHitByMOs = 1
SpriteFile = ContentFile
FilePath = PPI.rte/Crafts/CraftWhole.bmp
FrameCount = 1
SpriteOffset = Vector
X = -32
Y = -13` <<<<<<<
EntryWound = AEmitter
CopyOf = Gas Leak
ExitWound = AEmitter
CopyOf = Gas Leak