This is a sound dump, dump your sounds that you have made or found in here.Sounds are very important since there aren't many around.
Also, I'm not sure if this is the right section for this, so mods, move it if it's in the wrong place.
Or delete it if it is against the rules, I have checked, but i am still not sure.
Nah, you're cool. Duh approved thread.Attachment:
File comment: My sound dump : ) [315.16 KiB]
Downloaded 197 times
Commentary is discouraged, unless you find a way to make sounds better through discussion. Please post sounds with your post unless you need only give advice to do the mentioned improvement.
If you don't meet the criteria above you'll be warned.Also If you can please add your name in the upload. Not a rule just so people know who made it.
Grif wrote:
If you're not looking for anything super high quality (or have the know-how to clean it up some), DrPetter's free tool
sfxr can be pretty useful for lowfi sound generation.
For general audio editing,
Audacity is the bee's knees.