You could very well do that.
It wouldn't achieve anything, but it's doable.
411570N3 wrote:
You could probably make a black glow covered scene designed for use with the flashlight, but as explained before, it'd move slower than a morbidly obese child swimming through peanut butter.
You can't illuminate a black glow, add white to black and you get an even more opaque grey glow.
CC's glows are additive, like painting over a picture, white paint won't cancel out black paint.
The more glowing you add, the less visible things are.
could make a massive black glow that covers the screen except for a missing bit to represent the lighting, and rotate that with the script I previously described. This would technically be adding shadows to everywhere but the flashlight's lighting area. That could maybe kinda work if it were in a mission made for the idea. You would still see through walls, though, and preventing that would likely be an even more complicated issue.