Multiple Mods in Skirmish
Hey all,
I've been trying to have multiple enemy spawns in skirmish. First I tried referencing the items directly, but eventually figured out that they haven't been defined yet.
Then, after some searching around the forums and wiki I came across this, first method doesn't work in my case, because I want to have both default actors, as well as other mod actors (E.G. AAL).
The second method involves editing Base.rte/Index.ini. I tried this, but got the error "Tried to make a material mapping in an offical or out-of-bounds DataModule!". Including the files didn't work because there are material definitions required by the weapons, which can't be defined in Base.rte. (At least I assume that's the issue)
Is there an obvious way I have missed to include multiple mods in skirmish mode? I debated the idea of creating a mod that is loaded after all of the other mods, and just has an Activities.ini.