Re: Ever heard of... DUKE NUKEM!
gtaiiilc wrote:
The mod so far is sounding awesome keep up the good work!
...Now I want a mod that is a pack of other "one liner" main characters like Caleb from "Blood", Sam Stone from "Serious Sam", and Ash from "Evil Dead and Army of Darkness" ok so Ash is from a movie BUT who can say no to a guy who's hand became possessed so he loped it off at the wrist, now THAT'S badass!
EDIT:I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT THE POSTAL 2 DUDE! Not as badass as Ash but his weapons would rock
Well your in luck for the serious sam part. I have no clue who everyone else is, but back in B18 I made a serious same, and headless zombie actor (Zombies were in a couple of the games I think). I had also made the serious bomb... which wasn't really much different from a frag grenade.

I lost all my B18 stuff (Don't have a clue where it went to), but I have given thought in remaking the actor as a bonus to this pack.
@ Benpasko: I understand your reasoning, but for now I'm focusing on only the enforcer for the jumping. Later when the pack is done, I may come back with an update that gives all the actors a jump version for a smaller price. However, keep in mind that I've never messed with jetpacks, or jumping before. But if I get stuck, I have some mods with a jumping actor. I can just see what they did to get the jump.