Joined: Sat Mar 28, 2009 2:33 pm Posts: 718
Limeted Multiplayer. It CAN be done, and by us modders too.
I have a proposition for us. you know how so many of us want multi-player, yet everyone wants data to do it? why have him do it when we can? if we take the irc scene, and use it as a base, we can make it so that we have a clone in player 2s game that auto-sets his position, speed, acceleration, inventory, cost, aimangle, and control information to messages transmitted via IRC, by another actor in player ones game. it could only work with up too 1 actor at a time, and with 1 type of actor, (the clone) but it could still be neat. we would need the following to be made:
P 1 CLONE he is who you buy when you play if your player 1. he is spawned at startup in p1s game. he is a brain.
P 1 GHOST CLONE this un-buyable clone is identical to P 1 CLONE, and is spawned at start up in P2s game, he acts as a slave to P-1 CLONE, copying his position, speed, angle, blah blah blah. if he dies, a message is sent too P1 CLONE telling him to die. if P1 CLONE dies, the ghost clone dies too. P-1 CLONES health is based off of the ghost clone.
P 2 CLONE he is who you buy when you play if your player 1. he is spawned at startup in p1s game. he is a brain.
P 2 GHOST CLONE this un-buyable clone is identical to P 2 CLONE, and is spawned at start up in P1s game, he acts as a slave to P-2 CLONE, copying his position, speed, angle, blah blah blah. if he dies, a message is sent too P2 CLONE telling him to die. if P2 CLONE dies, the ghost clone dies too. P-2 CLONES health is based off of the ghost clone.
and thats it. with these to clones, we have a basic multi-player setup. its that simple.
(also we need a way to keep the terrains the same)
LIMITATIONS: only vanilla content guns, if player 2 dosent have the player 1 is using installed, it will crash his/her cc. lag.