Rawtoast wrote:
What faction are you using as a template?
Well here is quite simple.
DarkStorm (Arms and the dropship), UniTec (Weapon), AAL (To be used by individual soldiers theirs - AAL Dark Pilot and that you will meet a soldier who is very close to it.)
Kloveska Military Forces (KMF) (machines), and medical equipment from Balistic Weapons.
The rest will try to do myself.
Rawtoast wrote:
Did you try other factions first, but then decided they were not as easy to work with?
Ha ha
What is something you are right, but this is not the case.
It helps to Ork-Gothic, and he advised me not to put the raw product as many perceive it as a finished product, as you yourselves know that it will.
In the end, decided to develop three versions - the beta version, release, and improvement of the release. Date of release beta version was given at later on this. But I promise that the screenshots, drawings will lay in this topic.