Re: Smoke Drop Pod... Help Request
its impossible. without attaching the smoke to the actor or something stupid like that, you cant make sprites have a priority because the MOIDs (every object with a sprite that moves, as far as you need to know) are layered according to when they came into the map. to make a better smoke effect though, have some AEmitters pumping out smoke MOSParticles for a short period of time.
to fix all the smoke going downwards, you're going to need some InheritsVel = 0 lines in your gibs, one for every gib definition, like so
addactor = <whatever type of craft>
<craft code>
<tab>AddGib = Gib
<tab><tab>GibParticle = <MOSP, AEmitter, Whatever the object is>
<tab><tab><tab>CopyOf = <Something Smokey>
<tab><tab>InheritsVel = 0 <--- this is the bit you need to add
hopefully that does the trick.