Re: Help with TDExplosives / AEmitters
use code tags please
AddAmmo = TDExplosive
PresetName = Explosion
Mass = 10
RestThreshold = -500
HitsMOs = 1
GetsHitByMOs = 0
SpriteFile = ContentFile
FilePath = Base.rte/Null.bmp
SpriteOffset = Vector
X = -2
Y = -2
EntryWound = AEmitter
CopyOf = Dent Metal
ExitWound = AEmitter
CopyOf = Dent Metal
AtomGroup = AtomGroup
AutoGenerate = 1
Material = Material
CopyOf = Military Stuff
Resolution = 2
Depth = 0
DeepGroup = AtomGroup
AutoGenerate = 1
Material = Material
CopyOf = Military Stuff
Resolution = 4
Depth = 1
DeepCheck = 1
AirResistance = 0
JointStrength = 6
JointStiffness = 0.5
DrawAfterParent = 1
GlobalAccScalar = 0
GibSound= Sound
AddSample = ContentFile
Path = Base.rte/Sounds/Explode2.wav
OrientToVel = 1
TriggerDelay = 1
AddGib = Gib
GibParticle = MOPixel
PresetName = You Forgot This
Mass = 0.1
Sharpness = 5
HitsMOs = 1
GetsHitByMOs = 0
GlobalAccScalar = 1
Color = Color
R = 255
G = 255
B = 255
Atom = Atom
Material = Material
CopyOf = Bullet Metal
TrailColor = Color
R = 150
G = 150
B = 255
TrailLength = 20
Count = 5
Spread = 2
MaxVelocity = 10
MinVelocity = 5
InheritsVel = 0
also, lifetime doesnt make AEmitters gib, it makes them vanish. to make them gib use a delayed heavy particle.