Re: Swoop Da Whoop - Needs some help
Warboy wrote:
So I've been trying to make a swoop da whoop weapon out of the DSTech Judgement.
>>swoop da whoop
Manticore wrote:
ya alligning is really annoying its pretty much hit and miss(especially with something that big)
Yeah, if you have no idea how offsets work. It's an exact and predictable thing.
If you guess the right offset, chances are, it's only close enough to look about right, and you've wasted time guessing & checking.
The following should be helpful. ... _TutorialsTo put things
real simply;
+ =
- = <V
(0,0 is upper/left corner of the sprite. This offset sets the center of mass of the offset, and the other offsets of an object are based off this)
Other general offsets:
+ =
- = <V