Re: Continuous pinned ACrab damage
Miles_T3hR4t wrote:
I don't know why it does this. (the new non-functioning turret does it)
But I DO know how to fix it, or at least negate it.
Create an attachable wound, that deals negative damage (healing) at an EQUAL rate to the damage over time, then just set it as a getsHitMOs = 0 attachable from the start.
I guess. But it's probably better to just have functioning but invisible legs at this point. Since my turrets are pinned, the legs can't do anything anyway.
Also, I see why having Numgun on the main team is helpful: he can be much more of a bug watchdog here in the modding forums.
LowestFormOfWit wrote:
I like the new turret. Only thing I could say is to possibly add some energy-like parts to the inside of each part of the "barrel".]
Actually, I'm not the biggest fan of that sort of thing. I guess it looks nice, but it makes no sense really. Plus you can't really animate that sort of thing yet. Or can you... I suppose I could attach an animated Attachable. Assuming attachable can be animated, of course.
Also, railguns are awesome. Apparently, the US military will have battleships armed with railguns sometime in the next decade. I'm not making this up.'s not a rocket. It flies so fast that it SETS THE AIR ON FIRE. And all these years we've been used to the Quake depiction of a bright line with a spiral around it. This is way sicker, in my opinion.
Also, a railgun like this can fly up to 200 nautical miles. Our current naval guns can go, like, 16 nautical miles. And no explosives required! If it sets the air on fire, one can imagine what it does upon hitting a solid object. It's like firing a meteorite at something.