Help - getting multiple errors when loading mods
I'm not sure whether this is the right forum for this, since it says mod
ding help, not help with mods. If it's the wrong place, could a mod help me by moving this thread to the right forum?
Anyway, I've been getting errors for several different mods. When I try to load Kloveska, the Zombie mod, Base Defense Turrets, Legio Machina, or The Riggers, I get the following message:
Abortion in file .\System\ContentFile.cpp, line 647, because:
Failed to load datafile object with the following path and name:
The last frame has been dumped to 'abortscreen.bmp'
When I try to load DarKloneTech (the recently updated version), I get the same message, with "Base.rte/Devices/Null" replaced with "DarKloneTech.rte/DarKlones/StandardDKJumpJetDustGlow"
When I try to load DSTech, I get the following message:
Abortion in file .\Managers\InstanceMan.cpp, line 153, because:
Failed to find the DSTech Onslaught.rte Data Module!
The last frame has been dumped to 'abortscreen.bmp'
When I try to load TEK troopers, I the same message, with "DSTech Onslaught.rte" replaced with "TEK.rte".
Does anyone know why any of these are happening, and how I can fix them?