Dmod Actors/Weapons not working in activities
I can't find any help on this but this is what I have so far,
I've been trying to figure out how to get my enemies in the game to use Dmod weapons and actors. It's worked with all other mods, but trying to get it to work with Dmod just crashes my CC with no error, but a Send and Do Not Send error.
Could anyone please figure out what's wrong?
Zalo in IRC thinks it might be the AI, but I'm not even sure you can edit that.
We've tried using the modded activities in single player, and it just crashes. We've tried using it in 2 player where player 1 is red and player 2 is green, and it didn't crash. I cannot find any answer to this.
Here's a download of my Dmod folder, if anyone has a working/fixed Dmod, please post.; ... einfo.html