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 The Melon Corporation! 
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Joined: Thu Aug 16, 2007 10:09 am
Posts: 163
Post The Melon Corporation!
Yes, I have started my own corporation, with the name based on the clan I started; The Melon Clan.

TMC started in Gmod 10 after I invented the catchphrase "remember the Melon!" after killing my friend with one. We decided to start a clan, all about the usage of melons as handy tools. Weapons, bombs, desks, anything really.

So, I've decided to start a corporation based on my clan, so naturally the existing clan members are already in it (if they play C.C that is.) At the moment, we consist of
Pilau (my friend, he's a lurker.)

If you feel like joining this corp, go ahead, whether you be an IdeasMan, a Coder, or a Spriter (or Sounder..?), we take on anybody.

This corporation prefers to make random weapons, not useless ones, but random all the same. Look out for the Yodel Gun, soon!

If you joined, put this in your signature;
Remember the Melon; TMC <status>
Current statuses are;
Newly Joined

Wed Sep 26, 2007 10:37 am
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Joined: Sat Jun 30, 2007 4:39 am
Posts: 521
Post Re: The Melon Corporation!
Listen up, everyone.

Yes, it's not in the rules, but the corporations forum was removed for a reason. If you want to make a corp, set up an external forum for it. PM anyone you want to invite, ask on IRC.. just don't make a topic about your corp.

Corporations were removed because the topics were spam-fests. Just about every corp spent time chatting and showing off random sprites, instead of actually making mods. Allowing corporations again would just flood Mod Making with these chat topics. Yes, you can promise your corporation will make mods, but I have no way of verifying that. For now, keep to an external forum.

Though outside advertising is condemned, you can ask people to join your corp. In PM, in IRC, NOT in a post on the forums. I know the rules are vague now, but try not to link to your corp in your signature until we get them sorted out.

Thus, I'll keep this locked so all can view.


Wed Sep 26, 2007 2:57 pm
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